Wednesday, 26 February 2014

About the Curriculum Resources and Guides

Honestly speaking , this was the first time I was exposed to the math curriculum books , guides and resources in Canada. Since math has been my favourite topic to teach besides English, I had a good time to look at the math curriculum. It was interesting to see the same old things I used to do with the children way back home, the numbers, patterns of numbers and shapes, measurement, estimation etc. The texts seemed very interesting for grades 1 and 2 but grade 3 onwards I felt they had a language which was confusing even for me and the problems could have been written in easily understood words. A striking difference between the curriculum we had way back home and here is that it seems to be easy here than home. The students back home, in kindergarten do counting up to 100, grade 1 do counting up to 500 and grade 2 do it up to 1000. By the time a child is done with grade 2, they know addition (with carry over) and subtraction (with borrow) up to thousandth places. They can do place value up to thousandths and multiplication up to hundredth place X one digit, expansion and contraction of numbers etc. It was interesting to note the kindergarten books , they were so colourful and simple. I long to see how these topics are taught in classes and how different the classrooms are , what activities are used by teachers to engage the children and how they ensure that the outcomes are achieved. 

I must say , I miss going for observation days. 

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